Skin & Scales Chapter 2 Update

Skin & Scales: Chapter Two is NOW AVAILABLE

Thank you everyone for your patience for this chapter’s release, I hope the content proves worth the wait! Please enjoy!


In this chapter:

  • Meet the last 2 ROs!
  • Continue your investigation
  • Take to the sky!
  • Play a round of basketball
  • Disassociate at a sandwich shop
  • And more!

Content Warnings for this chapter:

  • Depictions of violence
  • Depictions of anxiety 
  • Depictions of panic attacks
  • Kidnapping
  • Talks and displays of prejudice and dehumanization


  • Changed Camlann's age
  • Fixed minor spelling and formatting errors
  • Fixed general bug errors

Wordcount: 73k


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(1 edit)

Loving the chapter 2 so far, but found this broken variable. Also chose not to have a nickname.

This is a fresh playtrough started just few hours ago.


Missing space:

Hey there! Thanks so much for sending this in, just fixed both these errors and they should be in the updated game now! I really appreciate you catching this!

Yay an update!


Love this. Cant wait for more!


I can't wait for more of this story ^^